Need Guidance to quickly master the use of DHIS2 Tracker App

Hi everyone.
I am a beginner in the use of DHIS2’s features.
Indeed, I’m asked to quickly learn the use of DHIS2 Tracker App for an upcoming activity;
to meet this challenge, I’ve already collected a lot of training ressources from the diverses DHIS2’ websites;
however, I’m wondering whether all those ressources will be necessary for me to reach the goal of “quickly master the use of Tracker App”;
so, what I’am requesting from you is “guidances on the steps to follow, what to do first, second, and so on…”
Please, note that I’m willing to devote as much time as needed to achieve this!
Any help will be much appreciated!
Best regards,

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Great to hear that you’re diving into DHIS2 and the Tracker/Capture

  1. Understand the Basics (DHIS2 fundamentals, metadata, data elements)
  2. Capture Concepts (Tracked Entity Types, Attributes, Programs, and Stages)
  3. Hands-on Practice (demo instances)
  4. Learn Analysis (dashboards, event reports, and visualizations)
  5. Community Forums ask questions and learn from experienced users

If your activity requires specific configurations, take time to understand program rules, indicators, and automation settings in Tracker.

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Dear @rcpoudel
Guidances well noted!
Thank you so much.
Best regards.

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Welcome to the community! :tada:

Thanks @rcpoudel for helping your fellow community members! :star2:

Hi @Gassim
Thank you for welcoming me.
I am happy to join the community.

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