Multi OrgUnit Data Entry

Hello Community!

I’m hoping someone can help with strange behavior we’re seeing in our system (v 2.37.8)

I have a section form dataset with one data element. This dE has a catcombo set as ‘Number’. This dataset is at the lowest level of our organization unit hierarchy. I have selected ‘Enable multi-organisation unit forms’ in my system general settings.

I expect to be able to collect data for this data element across multiple orgUnits grouped at one level up.

However, in data entry there is no field to view or enter data against the data element. Meaning, there is no box for data entry. It is blank space next to the data element name.

Does anyone know why this might be happening?



Hello @lnfregos

Ensure the dataset access and category are set as shown in the picture.

Sharing Setting

Hello @jamal_aljadan,

Thanks for your response! Our sharing settings are as you suggested and we’re still seeing the same behavior. I’m also testing as a super user so I don’t expect sharing settings to be the issue. Any other ideas?

Thanks again!

For more information, this is the error in the console we’re seeing …

I suspect there might be a problem selecting the Org unit in the dataset. To work around this, I tried using the multi OrgUnit Data Entry feature in the demo version (version 2.38.7) and, it functioned correctly. The images below illustrate how to select the OrgUnit.

Thanks @jamal_aljadan for your continued help!

I believe we have the same set up and are still not able to enter data into the fields. The first photo is our organization unit selection for the dataset, and the second photo is what our data entry still looks like.

Hi @lnfregos

Does this also happen in the Data Entry (Beta) app? Have you tried using Guest mode in your browser to check that it’s not a cache issue? Is this a custom form?

Is it possible that you upgrade to one of the latest versions since there are newer supported versions after 2.37

HI @Gassim !!

I just tried ‘Guest Mode’ and I’m seeing the same behavior. Also, we’ve been using the ‘Browser Cache Cleaner’ app to refresh our instance after we make changes.

This is not a custom form.

We have an environment on and it works there. Unfortunately we’re not able to upgrade for a few months because of various issues we’re seeing (unrelated to dhis2).

I’m starting to think we might have to wait for our upgrade to solve this issue. :upside_down_face:

Sorry you’re facing this issue. Looks like an upgrade will indeed solve this. I’m glad you mentioned it’s not a custom form, so it should work in the new Data Entry (Beta) app?

Apologies for the inconvenience here @lnfregos.

This issue should have been fixed last year, and that fix is also available from v2.37.10. Perhaps you could update to a higher patched 2.37 version, rather than upgrading your system to a higher major version?

Unfortunately, we do not currently support multi organisation unit display in the Data Entry (Beta).