Most recent events function


In DHIS2, in the line listing app, we have the function: most recent events to filter or show only the most recent events. What can I do if I want to show all repeatable events for a particular person or case? this function forces us to enter the number of events, but I want all events.



Select the following dimensions:

  1. Input: the repeatable event
  2. Program Dimension: select the attributes for your TEI and use one of these attributes to use a condition that will filter the results only to a particular person or case.

Hi @Gassim,

Thanks for your answer, but there is one more question: If I want to view all repeatable events for all persons, what can we do?


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You’re welcome!

It will be the same steps as above but without adding a condition:

Hi @Gassim,

We will not add a condition. And what about the field: most recent events? Because I want all repeatable events
