Monitor tracker data as it syncs from Android Capture app

Hi all,

I would like to monitor tracker data in web data while the users enter and sync data on android. This way I want to analyse how districts are performing. Which tool can I use?


Hi @fernandoshake

Thank you for your question. After users sync the data, you should be able to find new entries appear in the Data Capture app as well as the Line Listing app. In your use case, you might find the Line Listing app more helpful since you want to perform performance analysis.

How often do users sync? Are you only monitoring new entries?

Thank you!

Unless you run the analytics app you won’t be able to see any data and get anything on Line Listing /event report/data visualiser apps.
So as soon as you data got synced, either run analytics manually or set a crin expression to run in certain time.

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