Metadata Sync Issue

Hi All,
While performing metadata sync i am getting below error for all metadata
I’m using

If I give Super user it works, but just with metadata sync permission its giving this error
Metadata role as below permissions
1.Default Metadata authorities
2. Available tracker authorities - uncompleted events
3. Available import/export authorities - metadata sync

ErrorReport{message=User sync user [dfdfUhjnksi](User) is not allowed to update object DSHD_ELIGIBLE_PREV [dffvfgeYhjn] (ProgramRuleVariable), errorCode=E3001, mainKlass=class org.hisp.dhis.programrule.ProgramRuleVariable, errorKlass=null, value=null}

UID’s are dummy id

Hi @Ganesh

Welcome to the community!

I see that the issue is with the authorities. As noted in the documentation:

To synchronize metadata, the user account of the central system must have the following authority:


Only users with this authority will then be able to create and download metadata. This is to ensure security of the central system where the metadata is created. Instead of giving the credentials of user having ALL authority to the field instances, you need to create a user having this specific authority only

Are you following the guide: Metadata Synchronization - DHIS2 Documentation ? Or are you using an app? Please note that if you are using an app then this guide doesn’t apply.

If you are using an app, would you please share the name as well as the version of the app.

And if you are not using an app and actually following the guide I shared above, would you please share the complete Catalina.out log (without sensitive / authentication info)?


Hi @Gassim

Thank for the reply.
I’m using a web with version, not mobile app.
I have tried giving all system authority access, and it worked.
Catalina.out log file has same as below error for each and every metadata i’m trying to sync, below msg is for program variable, i have it for all metadata like users, dashboard, datasets, etc

ErrorReport{message=User sync user [dfdfUhjnksi](User) is not allowed to update object DSHD_ELIGIBLE_PREV [dffvfgeYhjn] (ProgramRuleVariable) , errorCode=E3001, mainKlass=class org.hisp.dhis.programrule.ProgramRuleVariable, errorKlass=null, value=null}

Hi @Ganesh
I’m glad it worked. It looks from the error that the issue is with the user authorities.

Would you be able to get the list of user authorities given to this specific user dfdfUhjnksi?