Malaria Routine Data Quality Assessment app

David Boone here from JSI and the PMI MEASURE Malaria Project. First let me say, I’m an epidemiologist and not an android developer, so please bear with me. I’m here presenting on behalf of our android team (Diao Diallo, Michael Mwabaze, Romain Tohouri and Christina Villela).
We are presenting a new android app, the Malaria Routine Data Quality Assessment app. The M-RDQA can be used to facilitate data collection for data quality checks of routine malaria reporting from health facilities. The app employs international standards to evaluate the completeness, timeliness, accuracy, and consistency of routine data for malaria (it uses the same metrics as the WHO Data Quality Review, or DQR).
Let me first distinguish the type of data quality check we’re addressing. This is not the data quality tools embedded in DHIS 2 that establish validation rules etc., nor the analysis tools that look for outliers and inconsistencies in the reported data. This type of data quality check evaluates the data in the source documents (e.g. a client register) that are aggregated manually and monthly to produce the values that are reported in the HMIS. There is no way to know how accurate this information is (i.e. how faithful the counting is to the indicator definition) without going to the health facility and checking.
The app is intended to be used as part of routine supervision by district health teams and/or malaria program managers. The app is accompanied by a “DHIS 2 Configuration Package” which includes meta data and dashboards to permit the uploading of results to a national instance of DHIS2 where it can be aggregated with results from other supervisory visits around the country. The aggregate data on data quality for malaria can be evaluated by sub-national unit and over time to permit a more centralized and standard approach to data quality monitoring and response. Resources for data quality improvement can be more efficiently targeted if we know precisely what problems are occurring and where.
Standard configurations (what facilities, time periods, indicators, and data elements to check) can be devised on the app and saved on the DHIS 2 to be pushed out to all users conducting supervisory visits so that the implementation for a given reporting period can be completely standardized across the program.
While the app is currently devoted to malaria, it can be easily adapted to other health and disease programs.


Great resource. Interested in testing the MRDQA app


A post was split to a new topic: What is dhis2 all about?

Hi @dboone,

Thank you for your contribution! I wonder if there is a video demonstration that you could share? Thank you! :smiling_face::+1:

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Hi Gassim,

Thanks for your interest in the M-RDQA. The demo video for the tool can be found here:

Let me know if you have any trouble accessing it.

Dave Boone


Hi :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing! :+1:

Thanks for share

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Hi Yussif, please message me so we can see how you can help on testing this.


how can I get this app please?


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