Making category option not editable by some users

Dear community, I am implementing Key Performance indicator System (using DHIS2 ofcourse)and I want to set some targets and and let any other users to enter actual but with no edit authorities on targets, is there any way to do this from category options level?(so that it can be reflected whenever I call this category options)

@Pacifique_Hategekima thank you for your question!

Please let me understand your question first! You are saying that once a user selects an option they can’t edit it? Is this in aggregate datasets or are you using tracker/event programs? If you are using tracker, you can create a program rule to hide the field once it has a value, and another program rule to assign this value to another DE which the user has no capture rights.

I am using aggregate not a tracker, I have a data element which has actual and target, I want a user with higher privileges to set targets and other users with lower privileges to be able to enter only actual on the same data element there after I can be able to track percentage of completion. Thanks for your usual support

Hi @Pacifique_Hategekima
The usual approach here would be to have two seperate data elements and data sets…one for results and the other for targets. You would then need two seperate user groups, one for users who can edit targets, and another for users who can edit the results data. I assume that users in both groups would be allowed to view both targets and results.

Using the sharing functionality of DHIS2, you could then share all of the data elements and the dataset which are related to results with the user group who should be able to edit them. You would then do the same for the targets data elements and data sets.

Hope this helps to explain. If you have additional questions, please feel free to follow up.



Ah, I would also point out that I do not think the use of category options to distnguish between results and targets is advisable. The reason being, is that they will automatically be aggregated together by default, which of course, never makes sense. It is possible of course to use category options for this purpose, but I would recommend that you instead consider to use two separate data elements instead. This should give you a lot more flexibility in designing indicators to calculate for instance percent of the target which has been achieved.