Looking for experiences with Columbia International eHealth Laboratory (CIEL) dictionary

Are you are of any dhis2 implementation that is using the CIEL dictionary? We made some research and it could be a potential candidate for be reused in some implementations, but we would like to know from the community its own experience.

These are some notes about CIEL:

  • The Columbia International eHealth Laboratory (CIEL) dictionary is a shared open concept dictionary. It was previously known as the MVP or MVP/CIEL dictionary (MVP stands for Millennium Villages Project).

  • It is recognized as a Digital Public Good, and it is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-4.0)

  • CIEL is available on Open Concept Lab (an open-source terminology management system, recognized as a Digital Global Good). It provides the content in a FHIR-compatible API in addition to JSON and CSV. See it on:

  • CIEL is mapped to multiple standard code systems such as ICD, SNOMED CT, LOINC, RxNORM.

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Thanks for sharing with the community and your interest in hear from from the community.

Any specific questions you are trying to figure out?

Thanks! Have you have used it in your implementations?