Line listing excel and csv exports are not displaying correct information for Yes/No questions

We have identified an issue with Line Listing application downloads in both excel and csv name format where data with Yes/No responses are not showing as ‘yes’ and ‘no’ but as ‘female’ and ‘male’ based on a gender option set where female is ‘0’ and male is ‘1’. We have tried this in different versions of line listing, including the latest one. But perhaps the issue is not the application but something else. Any insight is appreciated.



Welcome back to the community! :slight_smile:

Would you please share more details about the configuration of the metadata that is giving you the incorrect result? I want to try and reproduce this issue on


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Hello, I am happy to be back.
Let me see if I can provide the details you request. I have done some additional testing since I put reported the initial issue so I will also outline what I have done.

We have a tracker system where we have built a participant registration form. In it we have questions where the question type is Yes/No and the aggregation count. One such question is “Does child have a birth certificate?” The choices are yes or no. We also have a question about gender where the value type is text and the aggregation is count. There is an option set that sets the values 1= Male and 0= Female.

When I generate a line listing report in Line listing and Event reports I am able to see the values ‘yes’ or ‘no’ appear for the birth certificate question and other yes/no questions. But when I download the report using Metadata ID scheme =name, instead of yes or no, I see male or female.
When I download the report using code, I see 1s and 0s.

I hope this explanation is helpful. I have tried different versions of line listing and event reports. I have tested this is v39.6 and v40.5
I very much appreciate your insights on this issue.


Hi Monica @MELB
We have opened an issue and shared the details with the analytics team. Thank you for reporting the problem.
Best regards,

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