Line listing downloaded file showing codes instead of actual answers for Yes/No value type

Hi team,

I am trying to download a report using line listing however the downloaded file is displaying codes instead of actual answers; for the yes/no value type. The option sets are showing actual values. I am using version 2.39.3

This is the downloaded file

And this is the report in Line listing

Kindlly advise.

Hi @Tangy

I’m not able to reproduce this issue. As you can see in the screenshot below, I downloaded the line list as a CSV and the Yes/No are Yes/No:

The data element I selected has the Yes/No option set of Text value type. Could you check the data element configuration and the option set attached to it? If you are able to reproduce this issue on play, please share the steps.

Finally, what is the version of the Line Listing app that you are using? Please make sure to update to the latest version:

Thank you!

Hi @Gassim,

Thank you for your response. I was using V100.15 but i just updated it now and tried again however I am still getting codes.

The data elements do not have option sets, and their configurations are as basic as it could get, nothing attache.