Leveraging Digital Platforms in a Battle Against Malaria: Distributing LLIN using DHIS2 in South Sudan

This abstract has been accepted at the 2024 DHIS2 Annual Conference

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session link: Beyond Connectivity: DHIS2's Offline Capabilities In Action (ENG- FR)

Leveraging Digital Platforms in a Battle Against Malaria: Distributing LLIN using DHIS2 in South Sudan

Malaria is a significant challenge that faces South Sudan, as it contributes to 5.7% of Africa’s malaria cases. To address this challenge, the Ministry of Health (MOH) in South Sudan embarked on a Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) distribution campaign to reduce its Malaria burden. However, data management issues arose due to separate systems for household registration and LLIN distribution. The MOH South Sudan collaborated with the Health Link and Malaria Consortium and formulated a plan to leverage the national Health Information System using the DHIS2 platform. This plan involved several key steps such as DHIS2 system designing and customization to fit the needs of the LLIN distribution in South Sudan. With the assistance of HISP Tanzania, the LLIN module was developed into DHIS2 allowing a seamless data flow between the different stages of LLIN distribution and management. To ensure effective utilization of the developed system, MOH South Sudan engaged HISP Tanzania to provide training for System Support Officers. The training aimed to equip these officers with the necessary skills in DHIS2, including Data Quality Checks and Validation ensuring data accuracy and reliability. The DHIS2 platform has improved the process of LLIN distribution in South Sudan by optimizing resource allocation and streamlined data management, allowing for swift and efficient distribution of LLINs to households. For example, program rule functionality in DHIS2 was used to simplify the process for LLIN distributors by automatically calculating the precise number of nets required per household, based on occupancy allowing for effective resource distribution among the South Sudan population. Additionally, the system enhanced the distribution process by incorporating GPS coordinates and photographic documentation for each household receiving LLINs. This not only served as verifiable evidence but also assisted community health workers in tracking the coverage of LLIN distribution through data synchronization and map functionality within DHIS2. Moreover, the data analysis and visualization features of DHIS2 have been instrumental in helping the MoH to accurately monitor the scope of LLIN distribution, with recent records showing that over six million LLINs have been distributed, benefiting more than 15 million people. This extensive distribution, tracked and managed through the DHIS2-enabled dashboard, is a significant stride in the MoH efforts to combat malaria. Consequently, millions of people are now better protected against this pandemic disease, showcasing the impactful role of DHIS2 in public health initiatives

Primary Author: Matur Tieng

Malaria, DHIS2, LLIN, South Sudan