Know the user who sent the event

Hi All,
Is there a way to have the name of the user who sent the event as a data element, so that it is possible to have this variable in the event report. I tried in the program rules but we don’t have any variables called, current_user.
Does anyone know of any way to have this variable for analysis?

Thanks in Advance

Dhis version 3.33.8

Dear @asacur

Have you tried using a tracker data element of username type

The you will be able to pick users in the entry field


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Hello @prosper, I know this type of data, unfortunately it is not compatible with Android, just for the Web for now. That is why I am looking for alternatives to work around this limitation. I need an indicator that illustrates the user’s performance.

any help will be greatly appreciated

Hi @asacur
Sorry hadn’t tried it with android,
Then you will have to create a data element with option set of users entering data


Hi @prosper,
For now, I see that this is my only option.

Hi @asacur

This is not directly related to your question of username as a data element in event reports, but for future viewers of this question, a SQL view can utilize the “storedby” column in the programstageinstance table to get the number of events storedby user, unique enrollments with events from the user, and unique org units of events from the event.

Here is a test on play v2.33.8

Here is the SQL View object for download and import. You could feasibly add to this view the month of the event, or filter for a particular data element value and specific stage.


Hi @brian thanks i will give a try.