It’s this time of the month again, the Developer Meetup announcement. This month ( 2024-01-11T10:00:00Z) we’ve got an exciting community presentation. HISP Vietnam ( @Thai ) will present their recently released ICD-11 Cause of Death app to the community.
During the presentation, you will see the (inner) workings of the amazing ICD-11 application that was built by HISP Vietnam. They’ll dive into frameworks used, challenges faced, and how they solved them. And of course, a look into the code.
Are you curious about how HISP Vietnam built the application, and do you want to learn from them? Join the meetup 2024-01-11T10:00:00Z.
There will be plenty of time for Q&A with HISP Vietnam about the application and the technologies they used. Will we see you there?
If you already are getting an invite every month because you signed up before, you’ll receive an invite soon, if you’re joining for the first time you can sign up through the form below. Will I see you there?