January 2022 - new DHIS2 Use-Case in the Top Topics of the Month! #copmonthly

In this copmonthly we’re starting with the top topics of the month for January 2022. Let’s first say definitely Save the Date - DAC2022 announcement by @aliceal got many users engaged and excited. Shout-out to all members who commented and shared their interest! :clap::partying_face: The DAC2022 is about three months ahead of us but make sure to Save the Date!

Top Topics of the Month

The top topic of the month is the COVID Tracker Performance Optimization webinar topic which had many views and user posts:

The second top topic of the month is an interesting new DHIS2 use-case related to animal production and cow milk yield mobile tracker:

New CoP Features!

Good improvement happen one step at a time, so it’d be great to share with you some new CoP features as a reminder for you to feel free to write to us in the #forum-feedback category for any improvements or ideas.

Now you can login to the CoP using your LinkedIn or Google account:

Login to the CoP using LinkedIn or Google

DHIS2 Connect - new banners for French and Spanish speakers

Check-out the new banners in the Comunidad de habla hispana & Le coin des francophones

Finally, here comes the copmonthly’s many thank-yous to:

Good Samaritans

Without Good Samaritans, there’s no community! We are very thankful to all users for contributing to the CoP especially when helping other users. Samaritans, thank you for making others feel at home!
@Calle_Hedberg | @mutali | @kstankevitz | @potlaki | @ifoche | @SamuelJohnson | @didate | @nnkogift | @linxd | @pmpdelcroix | @jthomas | @Waheed | @Barnabas_Akumba | @Paul | @ddaley | @cwidanage | @mmpeete | @HaydnJ | @Danford_David | @Orly_MUGWANEZA | @mykbitz | @rbarriosparra | @kwebihaf | @Natalie_Tibbels | @Barnabas_Akumba

Bug Hunters

Many users who faced issues and discussed them with the community were very helpful in finding bugs. These bug hunters create Jira issues (with link to the CoP post) and support the development of DHIS2.

@SferaDev | @HaydnJ | @dmbantu | @Orly_MUGWANEZA | @Michael_Mwebaze @cyen @nnkogift and @plinnegan | @mauricejm | @Habiba_Atify | @asacur | @coolsinghbro

Feature Finders

We do tag feature finders in every copmonthly so if you have features that you’d like to share and discuss with the community feel free to make a post in the Development - Développement category as well as share the link to the jira.dhis2.org feature request issue so other members can watch and vote. :+1:

Top 10 Active Users in January 2022

User Name Country
@fernandoshake fernando shake MOZAMBIQUE
@drvetmedtariqabbas Tariq Abbas PAKISTAN
@hernandezmachava Hernandez Machava MOZAMBIQUE
@linxd 晓东 林 CHINA
@Pacifique_Hategekima Pacifique Hategekimana RWANDA
@Josue Josue Mutabazi RWANDA
@omielp Omiel Patrick Okecho UGANDA

See you around! :blush:


Remember to heart and share! Thank you! (: