Issue with Program notification using sms

Hi all,

For improving patients traitment adherence, we decided to remind patients appointment using Tracker program notification through sms by implementing sms API in dhis2’s Mobile configuration App.

Everything seem to be okay. But the issue is, among all patients due for appointment during the day, only one is receiving the reminder notification. The rest are not receiving it.

There is no error message showed in the log file

We are using

DHIS2 2.33.8 version

We don’t know where can the issue be.

Please can anyone help us solve the problem?

Thanks for your TA.

Hi all

Can you please have a look at the above message?

It’ about a week ago I posted a request concerning Tracker Program notification using SMS to remind patient clinical visite due date. But till now I didn’t get any support from the Community. Maybe the post isn’t in the right place or lack some details. This is the reason I targeted you to help me sharing the post to the best group so i can get the assistance I may need to solve the issue.
