Hi community, I’m just checking in to see if anyone has implemented DHIS2 tracker for Cervical Cancer?
hello, @Edward_Robinson, in Rwanda, we have implemented a DHIS2 tracker for oncology registry/ cancer ( including cervical cancer) since 2020, and its interoperability with canReg5 software. Thx
Thanks for the feedback, Gaston, is the metadata available for that implementation perhaps?
I noticed in this post: DHIS2 NCD Tracker Rwanda case
“HISP Rwanda is working with DHIS2 core team to have the metatada packaged for global use.”
Also, from my understanding, it’s feeding into CanReg5 with the aim of replacing it in future?
Thanks again!
Hi @Edward_Robinson,
Thanks for your interest in DHIS2 for cervical cancer tracking. I’ve been working with Gaston and the team at HISP-Rwanda on some of their NCD data systems, and to clarify, there are a couple trackers for NCD space here.
- NCD Tracker: Community-level screening and facility-level confirmation of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. This does have some questions regarding cancer screening, but it is not comprehensive facility assessment like CanReg5. Look for this tracker to be released as a metadata package this year.
- Cancer Registry program: HISP Rwanda has also developed a DHIS2 program for entering cancer registry data at facility/hospital level, and an app to convert those data into CanReg5 format. Blaise Mafende from HISP Rwanda gave more details at last year’s Annual Conference, which you can view here.
Since CanReg5 is a specialized desktop application, the goal is not to replicate the advanced analytic capabilities of CanReg5 (validation of cancer topography/morphology, PDF reports, national comparison to neighboring countries, etc). Rather, a web-based DHIS2 Tracker complements CanReg5 functionality, because the data are captured at the facility into a single database before converting and transferring to CanReg5 for national-level analysis. Work is ongoing between HISP UiO, HISP Rwanda, and the CanReg5 team at IARC to develop a more sustainable and generic integration approach.
Hi again @Edward_Robinson ,
I want to follow up with an article from last year that discussed a cervical cancer screening DHIS2 Tracker in Bangladesh.
From the article:
"A dedicated (DHIS2) module was developed to manage data from the national cervical cancer screening program. A training of trainers programs was introduced to train large number of data managers on a continued basis. The system is being utilized to collect aggregate cancer screening performance data (number of women screened, number of women screened outside target age, screen positivity, treatment rate) on monthly basis from health facilities since 2013 (National Cervical and Breast Cancer Surveillance System, 2021; Nessa, 2018).
Bangladesh launched a pilot project in each division (region) of the country in 2018 to switch from opportunistic to population-based cancer screening. As part of the initiative, the (DHIS2) system was upgraded to collect individual data. The unique number issued to every citizen by the national Government is used as the unique identifier. The community health workers (female welfare assistants or female health volunteers) identify the eligible women through home visits, collect their address and contact details in paper forms and invite them to be screened. The data collected by the community workers is transferred to the online system from the paper forms at the community clinics. Screening is performed at the community clinics and the test results are also entered in the same system. The information system has enabled the community clinics to track the women non-compliant to screening"
We are in discussion with HISP Bangladesh to understand learnings from this project to share with the broader community, but you can contact @Hannan directly for more system design details.
Hi Brian, thanks for this, it’s very useful.
Another follow up: Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire are using DHIS2 Tracker for HPV screening and treatment, as part of their collaboration in the SUCCESS project. More details here: http://www.cancercontrol.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/39-43-Hunag.pdf
Yes @Edward_Robinson we do in the SUCCESS project https://www.expertisefrance.fr/en/fiche-projet?id=790743
Thank you for sharing @ndaceney ! You are welcome to write a topic to share with the community more about your experience and the project.