Installing new test DHIS2 system on MS Windows - 404

Hi Rahul

It seems that your problem has to do with using a java version > 8. Please see the following page:

The easiest is probably going to be to downgrade to java 8 (I have all my servers running on java 8). Or else follow the instructions above to provide jaxb.

BTW I believe this was your problem yesterday as well. The encryptionpassword stuff was a bit of a red herring - though useful reading anyhow :slight_smile:



Hey Hi BOB,

Finally I got to see the login screen of DHIS2 and i bursted into tears… LOL…

Eventually i cracked the final setup of DHIS2 on any system and with no problems…

And yes you are correct that DHIS2 is better off on JAVA8 and Tomacat 8.5 with 2.29 Verison. Test and Tried now…

Great thanks for this great help and support all the time and lets get this started from here now.

Cheers Again…


This was a great team effort; thanks to @bobj - the expert :muscle: and our own @Emma_Kassy, @Knut_Staring and @clairebre; now @usfreak13 is the newest kid in the block!

The synergy was amazing!

Let’s keep supporting each other like this!



Thanks James… and absoutely it was all team effort of @bobj the champ, @Emma_Kassy @Knut_Staring and @clairebre in identifying the problem areas with DHIS2 versions compatability with JAVA, Tomcat and PostgreSQL…

I think this all needs to be documented with aswell that their versions are not working great with the new versions of all depending frameworks and architecture.

Or they should release each version with the required versions of the relevant softwares.

Now we are facing another issue of importing Sample Database to the PostgreSQL. I guess now this is related to the Dump taken from which version of the Postgre is not known. Its giving Invalid Command Errors continuously while importing the database.

Do you have any further solution to the import of the sample database in version 2.29 and 2.30… Please advice.

Thanks again…Cheers


Well done Rahul for persevering. We had a couple of wrong turns but got there in the end.

I am not sure if the incompatibility with newer java versions is documented anywhere but I know that the developers are aware and there is discussion about it. There a couple of awkward issues (like this jaxb business).

This has been quite a long thread so I suggest starting a fresh one with your fresh query about importing db. Its going to help with someone ever trying to find it again if it has its own thread with appropriate title etc :slight_smile:



Point Taken Bob,

Lemme start a new thread for the issues with the Sample Databases Upload to the various versions of DHIS2.


3 Likes was updated after testing on Windows 10 with JDK 8, PostgreSQL 11, Tomcat 7 and DHIS 2.32
Hope it would help someone :slight_smile:


Dear All,
I need your support to sort out this error message HTTP Status 404 – Not Found
I am facing this issue since the last week.
I am using JAVA8 and Tomacat 8.5 , DHIS2 2.29 Verison and postgresql-9.6

Attached are my settings.
Please helps!

catalina.2019-06-10.log (28.4 KB) commons-daemon.2019-06-10.log (2.9 KB) localhost.2019-06-10.log (195.4 KB) localhost_access_log.2019-06-10.txt (587 Bytes) service-install.log (1.8 KB) tomcat8-stderr.2019-06-10.log (11.2 KB) tomcat8-stdout.2019-06-10.log (53.8 KB) ](http://)

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It seems the WAR file has not deployed correctly. Catalina log should display “All startup routines done”

Also if you have renamed the dhis.war to ROOT.war, the URL to access should be http://localhost:8080 (not http://localhost:8080/dhis/)

Can you check every step from the beginning and try again?

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Hello @Rahul. Thank you for your notes regarding the issue 404 when launching dhis2 server. I am facing the same issue and tried all the steps correctly (I think). I have read all the messages here in this forum. I use Java 8, Tomcat 9.0.41 and dhis2 v.2.35.1.
Could you please provide some insight to solve the problem. Thank you.

Hi @JulyMoe and welcome to the community!

I would advice opening a new topic discussion and putting some information so we can help troubleshooting. Do you have logs that you can share (even screenshot is fine)?


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Hello @jaime.bosque Jaime. Sorry I have missed your message and sorry for late reply because there was no notification pop up. I share the screenshot here for your review. I have set up the pgAdmin4 and I think it went well. When going to the dhis2 url, I encountered 404 every time. 404 SS TomcatLog

What happens if you open localhost:8080 ? Do you get the Tomcat server?

Dear Jaime @jaime.bosque , this is what happens when I open localhost:8080. TomcatServer

This means that Tomcat is not running on that port. I am not sure what edb is but it is taking the port that you have probably assigned to Tomcat in your config files. Probably if you check the starting logs of Tomcat / Catalina you will see that it complains about not being able to start.

You either stop that EDB or you modify Tomcat to listen in another port…and then you access DHIS via http://localhost:NEWPORT/dhis

Good luck!