Installing DHIS2 on a Windows

Hello James,
I have tried several times but failed to install on windows local server.
It is becoming complicated.
I have installed according to DHIS2 Blog post . But no result achieved.
Can you suggest of a unique way of istalling DHIS 2 in my computer?
I am using windows 10, installed Software

Sharing some screenshots.DHIS2

And Dhis.Conf
connection.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
connection.driver_class = org.postgresql.Driver
connection.url = jdbc:postgresql:dhis2
connection.username = dhis
connection.password = dhis
connection.schema = update
encryption.password = abcd
I will be obliged if I can have some support.
Quazi Mamun

Dear @drqmamun bhai,

Can you try again with the attached tomcat, jdk, postgres and dhis2.32 version?
