Installing @dhis2/cli

Dear All,

I am trying to install d2 on my Linux ubuntu 20.04 to develop dhis2 custom app.
I have installed Node 20, Yarn, and NPM.

when i install yarn global add @dhis2/cli it gives me alot of warnings like some below:

warning @dhis2/cli > @dhis2/cli-helpers-engine > request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
warning @dhis2/cli > @dhis2/cli-utils > @dhis2/cli-utils-cypress > @dhis2/cli-helpers-engine > request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
warning @dhis2/cli > @dhis2/cli-style > babel-eslint@10.1.0: babel-eslint is now @babel/eslint-parser. This package will no longer receive updates.
warning @dhis2/cli > @dhis2/cli-create > @dhis2/cli-helpers-template > @dhis2/cli-helpers-engine > request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see

Is there a way out of this?

Thank you


Hi @emmanuellmhango

Thanks for your post!

As they’re warnings it’s fine to ignore them, but I can imagine wanting a clean terminal. It is advised to run the tooling on Node 18 for now.

Are you running into any issues or is it just the warnings?


Hi @Rene

Thank you for the suggestion. The errors are still persisting but the have no effect to the running of the application. am able to do everything.

On the same, let me take advantage to ask for assistance, i am new to custom wb app development. do you have any links to where i can get straight forward tutiorals on how can get my way to learn this?

Thank you

Of course!

The best way to get started is on our developer portal here: Prerequisites and initial setup | DHIS2 Developer Portal

Follow the instructions and links on that page to find your track. There’s also a fundamentals course linked as well.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

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