Indicator on program attribute is not working

Hello all,
I need your help. We’re building our database on DHIS 2, and for testing purposes, I’ve created a simple Program/Attribute containing the following tracked entity attributes:

Individual id
Date of birth

The gender is connected to an option set having 2 options: male and female.

I called the program Registration and created a tracker program contain all the above tracked entity attributes.

Then, I created an indicator that represents:
number of females as numerator
to the total of rows as denominator

Multiplied by the factor that I’ve called it: per cent with a value of 100 to get a percentage.

The process was by creating a program indicator called numeratorExp. The program indicator details was the following:

  1. Program: Registration
  2. Name: numeratorExp
  3. Short Name: numeratorExp
  4. Aggregation type: Count
  5. Analytics type: Enrollement

For the expression, I’ve added the attribute gender, and for the edit filter section I typed:
#{ArNi9SFhStX.EYDk2Ob8Ptt}== 'female'

where the #{ArNi9SFhStX.EYDk2Ob8Ptt} is the generated attribute name presentation by DHIS 2.

For the denominator: We’ve created the same steps, but without an edit filter but the edit expression was the individual id so it can count all the existing ids.

Then we went to the indicator and I specified the num and denom.

To test it, we’ve added few rows and with gender as male or females, and at the pivot table, we specified the organization level, periods as today’s and indicator.

No data nor preview was shown in the pivot table interface. We tried to see the data in report section but we didn’t see any data.

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Hi @im_officer_leb,

Have you tried to run the Analytics Tables from the Data Administration App?


I went to the data administrator and clicked on Start Export. The export finished successfully, so whats next to run the indicator?

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Hi @im_officer_leb,

Try running Maintenance first selecting the options below then run analytics afterwards and let us know if it sorts you!



Thanks. But still getting empty values in pivot table, but can see count of female or male in org unit section.

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Kindly share a screenshot of the Edit filter stage of the Program Indicator you are referencing to.


