Implementing Complex Program


I would like to create a complex test program with near 40 stages.

Each stage must contain about 30 sections, from a list of 60 possible sections. Sections are repeated through several stages, but not all. Each section must have several data elements, about 4-8 data elements.

For example, Program X:

Stage 1 - All the odd Sections 1, 3, 5, … 55, 57, 59
Stage 2- All the even Sections 2,4,6,8 … 54, 56, 58, 60
Stage 3- Any combination, 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10,12, 23, 32, 33, 35 …

What could be the best way to implement this scenario in terms of facility creating it?

I have seen that stages can not be cloned (neither programs), so it seems very exhausting doing all this work manually. Is there a better way of doing it instead of manually? Could u give me some recommendations? Any is welcome.

I’m new to DHIS2 and after reading many posts and the official documentation I can’t find an easy way to do it.

Thanks a lot for your time.

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Dear @kfeina

Just hoping its just a test program, otherwise 40 stages are quite many to handle by the entrants but if it needs some through design thoughts.

Unfortunately the cloning of stages are you have noticed is not supported and neither can metadata import crate stages. You have to create one by one until you finish all the 40 stages.

I have not seem any program with such many stages may be they will and you would want to create a jira issue on cloning program stages.


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Yes, it is a test program. Our aim is to check if it is possible to manage a complex program like that with DHIS2, and doing it with the easiest possible manner.

If it is not possible to clone, don’t I have any other way to do it instead of manually?

Yes, there is a Jira issue ([DHIS2-5840] - Jira) , but it is “unassigned” and with the label “CoP”, which I ignore the meaning.

Thanks a lot for your time.

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