Implementation of Logistics data management using DHIS2 - Somalia Experience

This abstract has been accepted at the 2024 DHIS2 Annual Conference

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Implementation of Logistics data management using DHIS2 - Somalia Experience

Since 2016, Somalia has been implementing the DHIS2 system across its three states, the Federal Government of Somalia, Puntland, and Somaliland, each aiming to harmonize health program related data and minimize parallel systems. In 2020, Somalia revamped all health programs data collection tools and integrated them within a single HMIS/DHIS2 system. This integration involved logistic data where more than 260 commodities for every health center, hospitals and PHU are reported on a monthly basis in respect of commodity opening balance, received, losses & adjustments, stock on hand and stock out days. Challenges arose in digitizing and maintaining continuity in tracking stock status due to the complexity of logistic stock and commodities supply, impacting the mobilization and distribution of products across health facilities. HISP Tanzania collaborated with MoH Somalia to implement HMIS/DHIS2 system that manages logical computations related to logistic and stock status. This included use of DHIS2 predictors, configurable metadata, employed to evaluate and compute in the backend the stock on hand data value from the previous month and automatically populate the data value as the opening balance for the subsequent month. This was complemented by core DHIS2 data element configuration limiting expected data value type across commodities. Special aggregation type of “Last Value in Period” used in limiting quarterly data analysis by considering the data value of the last month of the respective quarter not aggregating the values across the three months of a quarter. Validation rules were also used to ensure rigorous data quality checks to report data that mirror commodity supply and demand logics. With this configuration, DHIS2 demonstrated its capability to accurately capture, compute, and track monthly stock related metrics, including opening balance, stock received, issued quantities, losses & adjustments, and the remaining stock on hand across various health facilities. While successful in data capture, challenges emerged in utilizing DHIS2 for logistic and supply chain quarterly reporting. This led to the development of a customized report by HISP Tanzania, built on top of DHIS2. The tailored report enables real time computations, analysis, and reporting of logistic data on a monthly to quarterly basis. It meets program requirements, allowing easy generation and maintenance of standardized data reporting formats through a user friendly interface, supporting location, stock, and commodities selection. Additionally, the custom report facilitates external use by exporting data in Excel format for local storage. By integrating logistic data within HMIS/DHIS2, the MoH Somalia has successfully established

Primary Author: Khadija Mzava



Thank you Khadiija Mzava
LMIS Data Quality FMOH Somalia

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Hello Mrs.Khadija I want to contact to you please let me.

hi @Khadija
It’s interest
. I have a few questions. First, did you use the collection model or the capture trace model? If it was collection, how did you handle the expiration date of the vaccine, for example, in the analysis?
Second, how can I benefit from your experience to implement it?
Best regards.