I am trying to upgrade from 2.31.10 to 2.32.7 and got unexpected error

I am trying to upgrade from 2.31.10 to 2.32.7 and got unexpected error.
I got the error (below and can not fix it what ever I try.
this is the error:

SQL State : 0A000
Error Code : 0
Message : ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used in a trigger definition
Detail: trigger datavalue_audit_update on table datavalue depends on column “periodid”
Location : org/hisp/dhis/db/migration/2.32/V2_32_10__Use_bigint_for_id_columns.sql (/file:/home/dhis/tomcat-dhis/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/dhis -support-db-migration-2.32.7.jar!/org/hisp/dhis/db/migration/2.32/V2_32_10__Use_bigint_for_id_columns.sql)
Line : 266
Statement : alter table datavalue alter column periodid type bigint

ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used in a trigger definition

I think I just need to run somethin like this:

ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN periodid TYPE bigint;

but it always unsuccessful:

ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used in a trigger definition
DETAIL: trigger datavalue_audit_update on table datavalue depends on column “periodid”

I definitely missing something.
please help.
thank you

Hey @TatianaLar,

Thanks for your post! I’m hoping our flyway expert @Ameen will assist you here.

/ Gintare

thank you.
@Ameen Any ideas will be really appreciated.

We would really appreciate any help on this big issue.
I really hope someone from developers can try to help us.