I have just installed DHIS2 on Ubuntu server 20.04.6 LTS, am able to log in using superuser account and when i log in using non superuser account, am greeted with the notification that reads:
HTTP Status 403 – Forbidden
Type Status Report
Message Forbidden
Description The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
This error message is generic (could be general); however, would you help debug what the issue is? Please share the following info:
The version of the DHIS2 instance you are using
Steps for creating this non-superuser account
Use Data Administration → Maintenance to Clear application cache and reload apps then try again to login to both accounts while in your browser’s Guest mode
Before the message appears (before logging in), open the DevTools Network tab and console [F12 → Network tab, also keep the Console tab open] so that when you login and the error appears check the request/response in the Network tab
You might want to share the Catalina.out log (without sensitive/authentication info)