How to transfer all TEA and program stages from one org. unit to another org. unit in version 2.30


We have customized DHIS2 version 2.30 for our project and using Tracker Capture. We want to transfer all TEA and program stages information from one org. unit another org. Please suggest steps.


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Hi @Pradeep, our team from @dhis2-platform will be supporting you with this in a while.


Hi @Pradeep!
Can you provide some more information on what you want to achieve? Do you have one org unit containing a number of tracked entity instances that has been registered through the tracker capture - and want to move these data to another organisation unit?

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Hi James,

Yes. You are right.


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Hi @Pradeep, are you able to get more information as requested by @Markus?


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Hi James,

Thanks for the query. I have one org unit containing a number of tracked entity instances that has been registered through the tracker capture - and want to move these data to another organisation unit.


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Hi @Pradeep,
this is unfortunately not supported by any function in the system, and you would have to do it with some sort of script through the API or directly in the database.


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Thank you @Markus. @Pradeep - I hope you are okay now…


Hi @Markus

I have a similar question: I have several event without registration data entries on one OU and would like to move that data to a child OU. Currently, we have had data collected at the National level, but countries have now been interested in refining the resolution of some of the programs. We have a number of records under the “country” level, but would like to move that data down to the respective province (the child OU).

Is this possible at all, or does your previous answer still apply?

We have attempted to export the data, manually change the OU code in the CSV and then re-import it with the same Event ID hoping that the event would be overridden, but this did not work either.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Hello @Pradeep were you able to find a solution to this? Currently working on something similar and I need to move the TEI from one organisation unit to another in the tracker program.

Hi @Oduro_Antiri

This operation will require few steps to complete it:

  1. Get all your TEIs like:
  2. Change the all orgUnit -uid to the new orgUnit -uid
  3. Update the TEIs
  4. Do Ownership transfer for each TEI like:

So it can be done with Postman manually. I have done this few times recently.
And this is quite time consuming operations.

Good luck


Hi Oduro,

Thank you for reaching. We got this resolved with the support of our office system analyst.

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