How to set custom Notifications from the DHIS2 Community!

Have you thought of personalizing your account to get custom notifications? Well, here’s how you can set yours from the Community

  • You will first have to be logged in to be able to customize your notifications. Not a member yet? You can easily Sign Up!

  • Once you are in the DHIS2 Community, Look out for your personal profile from your screen Labelled 1 below. A dropdown with more options on your personal account will appear. Click on your username as Labelled 2 below and click on the Preferences option Labelled 3

  • Once done, the below page will load with more details on your personal account. Click on Notifications to access and set your preferred notifications. Currently, they are in their default mode. The notifications can be customized further based on the Categories, the Users who you want to follow and the tags that posts have which draw interest to you.

  • On the Notifications from Categories, you get to select the categories that are of interest to you. It pulls information based on the Categories you are following in the community and notifies you once a post has been made by a community member.

  • Repeat the above procedure if you would like to get Notifications from Tags made in the DHIS2 Community.

For more information on setting up notifications, kindly comment below and you shall be assisted by the Community.



I want to bump this topic as custom notifications are such a great way to reduce the number of notifications and make sure you get notified about the things you want to be updated on. Getting notifications on specific tags for example is extremely helpful as those tags can span over any categories!

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