I am trying to get data to power bi. When I use dhis2 connector to pull aggregate data to power bi. it takes too long pulling data because it pull all the data elements in the database. So I would like to know how to pull data from specific data element group or dataset to get data faster. Can anyone please guide me how to do.
Thank you for the question! What method are you currently using? What is the version of dhis2 in your instance? And are you using the (DHIS2-to-Power BI connector) app?
You might find these topics helpful: Search results for 'powerbi app after:2021-01-01' - DHIS2 Community
yes, I am using the (DHIS2-to-power bi connector) app. I found another issue. when I pull the value to power bi, it comes up only total data for the data elements which have some category options (such as gender-male/female). I cannot find the disaggregated data.