How to generate a report of Active user along with facility using DHIS2

We have trained almost 500 users from different health facilities but never know who all are actively using it. To this, my chief asked me to submit an active user along with their health centres to check and audit the usability. This is will also help us to remind and re-enforce to use it.

So, please help to get this kind of report.

Thank you one and all


May I ask if you have access to the PostgreSQL or sqlview? and what version are you using?

I can give you an sql i have used to achieve this.

I am sure Oslo is working on this in the newer version.

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@Mathew, Thank you for your help. we are using 2.29. Would be grateful if you share sql too though at moment i do not have access.

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I am also interested in this @adulojusm

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Hi @Sangay_Tenzin,

We are working on the similar concept for e-registry. We have developed two dashboard widgets. The user activity capture dashboard widget can be embedded into any dashboard, and captures information on how long a user is using a dashboard, how much time is spent on a dashboard. Those data on user activity are then sent to the data store.

A separate user activity research widget then aggregates these data for all active users, and is designed help different level managers to analyze the dashboard activity of the user. It presents , the username, start time, and end time, organizational unit, dashboard detail for every time a user visited a dashboard. The data can be downloaded by a manager in the form of an Excel Sheet, or analyzed individual user activity directly within the app.

Another app has developed to monitor users role. You can see:

Hope, these concept would be helpful for you.



@julhas, thank you for your prompt and kind action.

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