I’m trying to edit my own post, but cannot find any button or options to do so.
The only options available are to share, delete or bookmark. How can I edit my own post?
Thank you.
I’m trying to edit my own post, but cannot find any button or options to do so.
The only options available are to share, delete or bookmark. How can I edit my own post?
Thank you.
Hi @wtum,
Can you edit your post now?
I believe it was because " post edit time limit" was set to low. Now it is unmilited.
Hi @Karoline,
Yes, it works now, thank you for changing the setting!
One more question regarding the post, I was only able to add one image to a post and I got an error message saying “new user can upload a maximum of one image.” Is there a workaround this?
Thank you.
Hi again @wtum!
Yes, seems like the limit for new users were 1 image. I have increased it to 10.
Thank you @Karoline!