How import shapefiles in DHIS2 (Geo coordinates boundaries in DHIS2)

Dear all.
I am requesting for your help. I want to design maps at the district and facility levels that include boundaries. To achieve this, we need shapefiles. How can we upload shapefiles into DHIS2?

You have to convert your shapefile to Geojson or gml format and be sure that the names of the boudaries and the ou are the same and then go to import/export app and use the org unit geometry import option


Hi @Shapr0019!

@Amadou is correct! We now recommend the use of GeoJSON now though (we need to update the documentation) as only GML v2.0 is supported and GeoJSON became a widespread format.

The documentation is available here: Maps - DHIS2 Documentation

We hope it goes smoothly, keep us posted!

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