How DHIS2 Become a cornerstone for Data Use?

Tsegaye Shewangzaw, a Monitoring and Evaluation Expert at Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Thursday June 24, 2021 at 16:00
It’s about how DHIS2 helped for better use of data for service improvement and effective decision making.
 Before the official commencement of DHIS2 as a tool for health sector data management, exerting extra efforts to get some type of data analysis were inevitable. This will require much time and well-skilled expert on data analysis and presentation.
 DHIS2 came with unique application modules that enable data managers and experts to get data that are specific for their own program with many filtering options which made monitoring of programs easy and efficient.
DHIS2 changed the way things were done to the better!