I saw the method below using getInstance from ‘d2’ get and post data to the datastore
import { getInstance } from 'd2'
export const NAMESPACE = 'dashboard'
export const hasDashboardNamespace = async (d2) =>
await d2.currentUser.dataStore.has(NAMESPACE)
const getNamespace = async (d2) => {
const hasNamespace = await hasDashboardNamespace(d2)
return hasNamespace
? await d2.currentUser.dataStore.get(NAMESPACE)
: await d2.currentUser.dataStore.create(NAMESPACE)
export const apiPostUserDataStoreValue = async (key, value) => {
const d2 = await getInstance()
const ns = await getNamespace(d2)
return ns.set(key, value)
export const apiGetUserDataStoreValue = async (key, defaultValue) => {
const d2 = await getInstance()
const ns = await getNamespace(d2)
const hasKey = ns?.keys?.find((k) => k === key)
if (hasKey) {
return await ns.get(key)
} else {
await apiPostUserDataStoreValue(key, defaultValue, ns)
console.log('(These errors to /userDataStore can be ignored)')
return defaultValue
How can I use the useDataQuery, useDataMutation from app-runtime to do same? I mean the resource endpoint to call and if mutation is allowed in datastore