Help: attribute combination not showing on data entry

Hi everyone,

I am using DHIS 2 Version 2.34.4

I created an attribute combination and assigned it to a data set, but it is not showing on data entry. The category options are correctly shared and the attribute combo has public view/edit.

In dhis 2 demo version 2.34.6, I created the same attribute combo and assigned it to a test data set and it is visible on data entry.


Hey @ferdinandmussavene,
Would you open the Network tab in the Console (F12) in your browser, then perform the action and take a screenshot of the Console+Network tab? If there are errors we might be facing a bug.


I am facing a similar scenario in version 2.38.5, Users cannot collect data using datasets that have been allocated attribution combos

Uncaught Unexpected literal at position 2

jQuery 2

optionValidWithinPeriod KHIS Aggregate


each jQuery

safeEach KHIS Aggregate

getAttributesMarkup KHIS Aggregate

each jQuery

safeEach KHIS Aggregate

getAttributesMarkup KHIS Aggregate

setAttributesMarkup KHIS Aggregate

periodSelected KHIS Aggregate

onchange KHIS Aggregate

receiveMessage resource://gre/actors/SelectChild.sys.mjs:265

receiveMessage resource://gre/actors/SelectChild.sys.mjs:467

Hi @omunyao

Could you share the steps to reproduce this issue in any of the instances?

Otherwise, would you open the Network tab in the Console (F12) in your browser, then perform the action and take a screenshot of the Console+Network tab? If there are errors we might be facing a bug.


Please note that this issues could have been caused by the change in date format in system settings.

Its seeme DHIS2 has a default support for yyyy-mm-dd,

If you set the date to dd-mm-yyyy, you might face the problem.


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