[GSoC] Longitudinal Charts for Tracker

Hi devs,

I am Chathura Widanage from Univeristy of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I have developed a module to support longitudinal charts in DHIS2 under the GSoC program and I would like to share the details of my work with the community.

Please follow this link for more information about my project. https://medium.com/@cwidanage/scoc-summary-356b757c545d

I would like to thank my two mentors Dr. Roshan Hewapathirana, Dr. Pamod Amarakoon for helping and guiding me throughout the project and DHIS2 community for helping me to resolve various issues that I encountered while proceeding with the project.


Best Regards,

Chathura Widanage,


Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

University of Moratuwa,

Sri Lanka