Free training on mSpray and its integration with DHIS2, this Sunday in Dakar

Free training on mSpray and its integration with DHIS2, this Sunday in Dakar

If you will be attending the MIM 2018 conference starting this weekend, we have a few spots left in our free training on mSpray Sunday (April 15) during the day (08:30 - 15:00) before the opening keynote that afternoon.

The training will cover mSpray, a new approach to IRS. mSpray is a tool designed by Akros, in collaboration with Ona, to address some of the challenges in delivering and measuring household interventions, challenges like: what is the true size of the population needing services? Where is this population located and how do we get there? How do we ensure real and accurate data are captured on intervention progress and used to guide intervention management? The mSpray approach tackles these questions head on, and in its application to IRS, has contributed to a 15% reduction in malaria cases in areas of implementation in Zambia.

Registration is FREE but has limited space. Visit to reserve your spot now!

This training will give attendees instruction on how to implement the mSpray tool. Trainees will learn about the steps to personalize the tool for their context, through both an explanation of the theory behind spatial tools and interactive discussions and exercises. Participants will also learn the possibilities for integrating mSpray with the already widely-used DHIS2 system. The training will be taught in English, though we will have French-speaking trainers in the room for support.

Visit to reserve your spot now!


Andy Prinsen, MPA | Communications Lead | +1.720.432.2639