This abstract has been accepted at the 2024 DHIS2 Annual Conference
session link: Community Health
Fostering Community Awareness, Screening & Diagnosis of TB & Leprosy using TB.Info a DHIS2 based reporting system in Uganda
Background Uganda remains among the 30 high TB/HIV burden countries contributing to 83% of missing TB cases annually. COVID 19 pandemic reversed gains made in reducing the number of missing TB cases (20% in 2019 to 27% in 2020). To address this gap, the Ministry of Health in 2021, designed & implemented a TB Case finding strategy “Community Awareness, Screening, Testing, Prevention and Treatment of TB/Leprosy” (CAST TB) to accelerate the reduction of TB/Leprosy transmission, find new and relapse TB/leprosy cases, linking them to care. Method CAST TB campaign facilitates communities to conduct their own appraisal and analysis of health status with focus on TB & Leprosy. Using local structures, community mobilization, health education, screening for TB/Leprosy, sputum sample collection and transportation to the diagnostic sites for analysis, relaying of information back to the community is conducted. As part of the implementation strategy, MOH introduced the use of TB. Info, an integral reporting system using DHIS2 to support collection, analysis and timely reporting of TB & Leprosy statistics. As such, orientation, mentorship and supportive supervision on the use of is conducted to facilitate the smooth collection, onsite analysis and real time reporting of the CAST TB /Leprosy data from the facility to the district, regional and national level. The SMEAR section of NTLP supports data sharing and utilization using during and after the CAST TB campaign. SMEAR works with partners to ensure all stakeholders have access to the information they need and can utilize it during and after the campaign by sharing the TB.Info login credentials and providing regular technical assistance. Results. In 2022 alone, 2,790,033 households and 5,894,225 community members were reached with TB & leprosy messages. 12,142 TB patients and 176 leprosy patients were diagnosed and initiated on treatment. All this data was collected and analyzed using Discussion CAST TB campaign is a massive logistical undertaking involving stakeholder engagement and coordination at all levels using the existing health system infrastructures like DHIS2. From its implementation, it’s imperative to note that the daily reporting using TB. Info provides timely data for Evidence Informed Decision making. Implementation of the CAST TB campaign provides a platform for scalability and sustainable results. Conclusion. The innovative use of DHIS2 has contributed to NTLP’s strategy of ending TB through supporting the surveillance and monitoring of TB/Leprosy patients, decision making, improving system effectiveness, while facilitating collaboration between MoH and implementing partners in
Primary Author: Alex Mulindwa
CAST-TB, Tuberculosis, Leprosy,, DHIS2