Feedback form for #DAC2024 Virtual Participants

Dear dac2024 Virtual Participants,

It would be a great pleasure to receive feedback from you. Here are some general questions we would like to receive feedback on.

Please feel free to reply to this topic post or write an email to if you have a more detailed feedback that you would like to share.

Accessibility and User-Friendliness :globe_with_meridians:

How accessible was the platform?
  • :blush: Very Accessible
  • :neutral_face: Somewhat Accessible
  • :disappointed: Not Accessible
0 voters

How user-friendly did you find the platform for accessing materials and discussions?
  • :blush: Very User-Friendly
  • :neutral_face: Somewhat User-Friendly
  • :disappointed: Not User-Friendly
0 voters
Which platform did you prefer to find session info?
0 voters
Did you use the invitation link to be included as a virtual participant?
  • :white_check_mark: Yes
  • :x: No
  • :thinking: Never received an invitation link!
0 voters

Zoom Sessions :movie_camera:

Did you join any parallel sessions on Zoom?
  • :white_check_mark: Yes
  • :x: No
0 voters
If not, what were the main reasons? (Select all that apply)
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Technical Issues
  • :clock3: Scheduling Conflicts
  • :pushpin: Lack of Interest in Topics
  • :thinking: Other (Please specify)
0 voters

Virtual Conference Experience :star2:

Did you join the Virtual Networking session on Zoom?
  • :white_check_mark: Yes
  • :x: No
0 voters
If not, what were the main reasons? (Select all that apply)
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Technical Issues
  • :clock3: Scheduling Conflicts
  • :pushpin: Lack of Interest in Topics
  • :thinking: Other (Please specify)
0 voters
What were the highlights of your virtual conference experience? (Select all that apply)
  • :microphone: Keynote Sessions
  • :earth_africa: Country Stories
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Technical Workshops
  • :speech_balloon: Networking Opportunities
  • :bar_chart: Analytics Sessions
  • :robot: AI & Machine Learning Sessions
0 voters
What challenges did you face during the virtual conference? (Select all that apply)
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Technical Issues
  • :clock3: Time Management
  • :pushpin: Session Overlaps
  • :thinking: Other (Please specify)
0 voters

General Feedback :memo:

Overall, how satisfied are you with the dac2024 virtual conference?
  • :blush: Very Satisfied
  • :neutral_face: Somewhat Satisfied
  • :disappointed: Not Satisfied
0 voters

What suggestions do you have for improving future DHIS2 virtual conferences?

  • :memo: Please reply with your suggestions to this topic post

What was your favorite session?

  • :microphone: Please reply with your answer

Your Interests :dart:

What topics are you most interested in for future DHIS2 events? (Select all that apply)
  • :earth_africa: Global Health Insights
  • :bulb: Innovative Solutions
  • :bar_chart: Data Management
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Technical Workshops
  • :robot: AI & Machine Learning
  • :mortar_board: Education
  • :magic_wand: Other (Please specify)
0 voters
How do you plan to use the DHIS2 Community forum? (Select all that apply)
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Provide and ask for technical Support
  • :heartbeat: Connecting with the Global Community
  • :date: Participate in events, meetups and webinars
  • :memo: Help with the documentation
  • :magic_wand: Other (Please specify)
0 voters

Thank you! :rose:

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