Hello DHIS2 Developers! We’ve got an exiting meetup scheduled for you, a peak into the next version, 2.40, where an OpenAPI spec for the DHIS2 API will be demonstrated.
The date/time of the meetup is: 2023-02-09T10:00:00Z→2023-02-09T11:00:00Z
OpenAPI is a specification standard for describing APIs, which should make everyone’s lives easier when dealing with APIs. You can read more about what OpenAPI is on their website here: https://www.openapis.org/
If you haven’t yet signed up for the monthly developer meetup, do so now by filling in the signup form.
Will we see you there? If you have any questions, bring them to the meetup and we can discuss them, or ask them in this thread so we can prepare an answer for you!