Failing to login on android app ( all versions)

Good day everyone,

We are failing to log in on android. Kindly see attached screenshot of the error message from the Android logs.

Thank you

Hi, @antony.sibanda .

Is this happening in several devices? It seems there might be an issue with the metadata. My first advice would be making sure that metadata is ok, for that you could reset your device data by going into Apps > DHIS2 Capture > Data and there in storage delete cache and delete data. WARNING this will delete not synced data.

Also, it might be due to corrupt metadata at server level, have you imported metadata in your server? If yes, you might need to make sure that there are no duplicates, or manually delete values directly from the DB.

Please try that and let us know.

HI @antony.sibanda,
as Jaime said, it seems to be related with an issue in the metadata, there are lots of missed dependencies. Anyway, the app should not crash like that, so it would be great if we could reproduce the issue. Is it a test server? Could we have some credentials to test it? If so, send them in private to us.


Hi @jaime.bosque and @vgarciabnz

I am glad to let you know that we managed to resolve this issue by changing the sharing settings on the datasets to be no public access.

Thank you so much for your support.