Failed to Save Data in Data set form design

Dear DHIS2 Community,

I am writing to seek assistance with an error message I am encountering while attempting to save data entry forms in DHIS2. Upon submitting the form, the system displays the message “Failed to save the data entry form,” preventing the data from being saved.

I have reviewed various troubleshooting guides and checked for potential causes, including:

  • Network connectivity issues: I have ensured that my computer is connected to a stable internet connection.
  • Form validation errors: I have carefully reviewed the form data and ensured that all required fields are filled in correctly and that there are no invalid values or inconsistencies.
  • Browser compatibility issues: I have tried using different web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, to eliminate the possibility of browser-specific problems.

Despite these troubleshooting efforts, the error message persists. I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions from the community to resolve this issue.

If anyone has encountered a similar error and has successfully resolved it, please share your steps so that others can benefit from your experience. Additionally, if there are any specific configuration settings or troubleshooting methods that should be considered, please provide detailed instructions.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from the DHIS2 community and resolving this issue promptly.

Other DHIS2 users is working normally …

here the below a screen shot for Tomcat log

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Hi Sami

Thank you for posting to the community! The screenshots are helpful, it seems that there is a network request error returning a 413 error. “A 413 HTTP error code **occurs when the size of a client’s request exceeds the server’s file size limit”.

Please see a suggestion from @hamza to this issue:

If the suggestion doesn’t work, please share the complete Catalina.out log (without authentication/sensitive info) but after trying to save the data set.

Thank you!

Here the scarren shoot

your support is hilghy appricareted


Hi @sami.abdulsattar

Thank you! What version of DHIS2 are you using? You might want to upgrade your instance if you’re using an older version of DHIS2! Also, if you have the time please try to reproduce this issue on any of the instances and if you are able to reproduce it, would please share the steps to reproduce the issue?

Kindly get the Network requests and payload as well as response from the Network tab by click on the error, here:
