Facility browser project: feedback welcome

Hi all,

I’m a master student from the University of Oslo and are working on a Master Facility Browser 3rd party application in DHIS2 with a fellow student. We got our inspiration from Tanzania Health Facility Registry Web Portal and Kenya Master Health Facility List. The application deals with displaying of analytical data, organisationUnits (in details), and update of organisationUnits (lowest level).

Our Master Facility Browser has following functionalities/pages:
- Dashboard contains analytic data, hierarchy and map, where you can drill down to other levels. Every component are synchronized with each other and will update the analytic data, map and hierarchy for the chosen level.
* Settings page where you can set default data to display on dashboard (which organisationUnitGroupSets for the pie-charts)
- Search for facility (lowest organisationUnit level) with a filter function on orgunit level, orgunit groups and services such as program and datasets.
- Display all information of a facility unit included assigned program, datasets and organisation unit group.
- Update of single and multiple organisationUnits.

After or during the test I hope you can give me some feedback on my application:
- What functionalities do you think is interesting from the app?
- Any functions you’re missing?
- Which country do you think need such as this app?
- How is such information obtained from DHIS2 now?

Link to our application: https://play.dhis2.org/2.28/api/apps/MFB-INF5960/index.html#/
User manual: here

Note: this is not an official application.
