Exporting DHIS2 map coordinate to shapefile

Hi community, I have this file containing coordinate data from a DHIS2 instance that I need to convert in shapefile format (shp) in order to use Its in an QGis.
Is someone know how to do and share me the way ? As you know the format of coordinate seems to be different from DHIS2.

Below, you will find the converted csv to xlsx containing the coordinate.

organisationUnits (8) (1)_3.xlsx (557.2 KB)

Hi Derek, from DHIS2 you can download orgunit coordinates in GeoJson format and use FWTools to convert to a shapefile, see here

It is probable that you need to use the same tool to convert from LAT/LON to the most common UTM projection for the country (for DRC it looks like that would be 33S.

So you would use something like
ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:32733 -f “ESRI shapefile” filename.shp filename.json

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Hi Knut, Thank you for your response, actually, I have limited access to the DHIS2 instance of Ivory Coast DIIS where I’m working now. I will try to do some reverse engineering with the FWTools, as I only have this csv format in case of GeoJson.
I tried some tool even python code to transform from csv to GeoJson, I’ve got no good result.
Could you or someone else know the way or tool to do this transformation, especially for polygone/area/point coordinate?


Hi Derek,
Sorry for the late response, hope you have had some success in converting from CSV to geojson, that should actually be possible to do directly in Excel, though the main obstacle being the length of the coordinates field for polygons, or via a simple script.

But the easiest would be if you had sufficient access to the original system get geojson from the API directly:

By the way, looks like CI is usually in UTM 30N, which is EPSG 2041: