Expired User Invitations

Version 2.33.3
Build revision d29d0c7

Is there an easy way to re-invite a user whose invitation has expired? I know in past versions there was a simply way to do so. My only solution now is to recreate the expired user account and send it to the user for completion of the account setup.


@LauraLincks Sorry for the late response. But it doesnt look like there is an “easier” way at the moment.
Will you be able to share what was the simple way to do so in the past versions?

Hi Ameen,
In previous versions of DHIS we could right mouse click on a user and have an option to re-send the invitation. I know this option was removed but there has been no replacement of it in any way. The 4-day invitation expiration date causes problems for us and we have to recreate users or force in a password for each user, neither of which is ideal.

Ah! Let me check it out further and I’ll get back to you soon. Thanks!