Exchanging values between two events in different programs

Can we establish relationship between two events in program stage?

One program beneficiary registration and other is services enrollment program, beneficiary assessment related information should be available in service enrollment program.


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Hi @ramavat

While the term ‘relationship’ is used for TEIs, there’s indeed a way to exchange data between different program stages (as well as retrieve data from previous event) using program rules.

Have you tried using program rules before? :smiley:

When you create a program rule variable, you can choose which value it will retrieve and from which program stage so that you can use it in a program rule in the other program stage. Here’s a link to the docs, Programs - DHIS2 Documentation

Please see if this guide helps too: Learner's Guide to Program Rules - DHIS2 Documentation

Yes, I have tried using program rule, that will help us to retrieve the data from different program stage as well.
Please refer to below scenario.

  • Tracker Entity Type: Beneficiary
  • Program: 1 Registration
  • Stage: Assessment
  • Each event in program will have list of data elements
  • For example: Case ID, Case Summary etc.
  • Program: 2 Service Enrollment
  • Stage: Services
  • We need list of Case IDs from the Program 1, when we select case id, all other fields should be populated from the same case id event

Can we achieve something like this?

Can we do the data exchange between two different programs?

We have a need where we need to display couple of fields from Program A1: Stage: A2 to Program B1:Stage B2.

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Thanks for the clarification @ramavat!

I received feedback and confirmation from the core team (cc: @Ameen ) that this special use-case can be achieved using a custom Capture Plugin. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your reply.

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