Event import by Curl Command

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to import 3844 events in 2.38.2 by the command line:

curl -k -i -d "@new1.json" "http://demo:81/api/tracker?idScheme=CODE&dataElementIdScheme=UID&categoryOptionComboIdScheme=CODE&async=false" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u admin:district

But I had no results after uploading the file to the server.

The following message is placed in a file created by the system

When I run from a Linux server :

Hi @jamal_aljadan

It seems that the server is rejecting the credentials used in the request you created i.e. admin:district, does this user exist and does it have the proper authorities?

Please check that is has the proper authorities: /api/authorities

If the user does have the proper authorities, could you check for more info in the Catalina.out log?
