Event Export - Code/Name and Active Events

Hello - I am experiencing several unexpected behaviors when exporting Event data in Event Export (using version

  1. Despite selecting “Name” or “Code” for ID schemes in the advanced options, these always export with UIDs.
  2. Only “Complete” events are exporting. Is there any way to also export Active events?
  3. We have Attribute Option Combinations for several capture programs, as well as datasets. The Data Export provides a column for AttributeOptionCombo to indicate which option was chosen for the data. The Event export does not seem to have this functionality. Is there any way to export Events so it displays the AttributeOptionCombo as a column? Or does anyone have suggestions for how to best report on event data that will include this as a variable?

Thanks in advance for your help and insight!

Hi @SydneyDaniel

Thank you for your post.

I’m able to reproduce this issue where the “name” is selected but still the UiD appears. Would you like to create a Jira bug issue specifically for this point (using your account)? Please add steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Import/Export app
  2. Click Event Export
  3. Select an event program with period and OU
  4. Click on Advanced Settings and then choose ‘name’
  5. Export CSV file
  6. The orgUnit, dataElement, and event columns will all still show the UID instead of (Name or Code)

Please share this Jira issue here for follow up and so other community members can watch/vote/comment.

I’m not able to reproduce this issue unfortunately, could you check in DHIS 2 Demo - Sierra Leone . Here’s a screenshot of an export that I downloaded from the play instance, it shows the ACTIVE and COMPLETED:

Maybe updating the instance from to the latest stable patch release, could fix this particular issue for you?

I think the Attribute Option Combination is for the aggregated data sets not for Event program. Please see if you find this discussion post helpful: What's mean of attribute option combos? - #2 by Jim_Grace?

Could you please explain the use case more whether or not we use the Attribute Option Combo, what are we trying to achieve in the Event program?


Thanks for the reply! Very helpful - I will loop back with the Jira issue once created so others can reference!

For the attribute option combinations in Event, we are using it very similarly to how it’s being used in the demo environment (see screenshot below), where the Implementing Partner dropdown (highlighted in yellow) is an attribute category option combination. I’m experiencing the same issue in the Demo environment: When exporting the Event data, I am unable to distinguish which Implementing Partner was selected for the Event entered. Hopefully this context helps.

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Your point makes absolute sense. In the export it doesn’t show the attribute category option combination. I will need to ask the software team for more input about this first. Thanks!

For the time being, you might want use the API to export this data. Tracker - DHIS2 Documentation