Event Capture: The application could not be loaded. Please see log for details

Another newbie question here, probably easily solved by those with more experience. After creating and using my Event Capture Program for a few days, I suddenly get this message when I try to use it: “The application could not be loaded. Please see log for details.” I am using v.2.34.7 of DHIS2. I do not know how to view the logs. Advice appreciated. Thank you.

Hi @stirone

View the log by clicking F12 or FN+F12 on your keyboard.
Go to the tab network and try Event Capture program one more time.
If you get any errors, view them by clicking on them, and take a screenshot to post here for me :slight_smile:


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Thank you for your reply, Caroline. Just like my other issue, it seems to have resolved itself. I am now able to see my Capture program when I select it. I don’t know why the error, which was there for several days, went away. In any case, I do know now how to look at the network logs, and the logs on the server (a colleague here helped me with that). Thank you very much for your support.