Error updating 2.34.6 to 2.35.6

Processing: ServerLogs_2.35.6…
Processing: ServerLogs_2.35.6…
ServerLogs_2.35.6.docx (223.6 KB)

I have a DHIS2.0 environment set up using Bob Jollife’s NG_tools as summarized below
Ubuntu 20.04
Tomcat 9
Postgres 13

When I try to upgrade from v2.3.4.6 to v2.35.6, I get some errors (Tomcat log attached). Glad if I can get any assistance.


Hi @stebu, welcome and thank you for posting this in the Community of Practice! I see that in you server log you have this error ( *** WARN 2021-08-29T13:51:06,125 Could not perform upgrade of table 'trackedentityattributevalue'. Column 'value' should be altered to data type varchar(1200) and receive a new index. For more information, please see the following post: ***) which is mentioned in a CoP post by @Stian in 2020; so I would recommend following these instructions before upgrading:

Initially, this error must be fixed for the upgrade to work, so if you face any issue following the fix instructions please let us know and please add the log. If the fix is successful, I hope the upgrade to 2.35.6 will work after this fix, but if you still face an issue, please post here! :+1:


Hi @Gassim ,
Thanks for your response. I stumbled unto the post Another upgrade issue from 2.34.6 to 2.35.6 - #9 by Stian which solved my issue.

You’re welcome, and congratulations @stebu . I’m glad you solved it! Thank you for sharing the solution! ( :