Error on data export

Hi DHIS2 Community,

I’m trying to export data using the “Export and Import” app, but I keep encountering an error that says, “You have to select at least one dataset.” The problem is that there’s no option available to select a dataset, as shown in the screenshot attached.

Has anyone experienced this issue before or have any suggestions on how to resolve it?

Additionally, I’m unable to use the Event Report because it only allows me to download data for one stage at a time and it take a lot time. Is there a way to configure it so I can export data for all stages at once?

Thank you for your assistance!

Looks like you are mixing Dataset and Event Data export, the screen you have shared is for exporting Aggregate Data i.e Datasets, to import event data (tracker) you need to go the event export button below the one you are using as shown in the imaage shared, the interface should be easy to follow. If you are trying to export aggregate data, then you should see the datasets just below the question “Which Data sets should be included in the export.”