Error message : you do not have access to the data, contact your administrator

Hello everyone,
I’ve created a three-step “Tracker” program,
I created forms for each step,
I have created a user and given access rights to the capture application, data entry and the organization unit of the tracked program.
I have access via web interface to the program and the embedding form, I can make test recordings and it works, I was also able to connect DHIS 2 Capture Android to my local dhis server, but I have no data displayed in the DHIS 2 Capture Android application.
I get the error message, “you do not have access to the data, contact your administrator”.
I have checked and checked to no avail, if anyone can please help me.
Thank you for your help,

Hi @koloo If you have verified that you have access through the web interface with that same user you should probably be able to access that data from the android app, I recently experienced something similar where I think something in the login proccess became corrupted, we are looking into the possible reasons for this.
In the meantime in my case, deleting local data from the setting menu and logging out and back in again seemed to fix the problem.

Let me know if this solves it for you too. I will add any other info that I find into this thread.



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Hello Xavier,
thank you for your reaction and your advice, I have indeed created two accounts, one in admin and the second is an account with the data-entry role.
I tested both accounts and it seems that the error is on the data-entry account, when I connect with the admin account by web and from the android application, everything seems to work, but when I redo the same connection with the data-entry account by web and by the android application, I have access to nothing.
It’s probably some rights that are missing from the data-entry account, whereas I’ve given access to the data-entry, data-entry and tracker applications according to the dhis2 documentation.
I send you the error return when I connect with the data account by web.
Thanks again for your help,

Hi @koloo !

That error from the screenshot is a missing permission that you need to give to the data-entry user at the “Tracked Entity Type” level.

Looks like “Person” is only available for the admin user.

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